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Scheduled Safety Checks for 2018 by Rolando Cruz Safety/Recruiting Director


Scheduled Safety Checks for 2018 by Rolando Cruz Safety/Recruiting Director

Every year the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance’s (CVSA) International Road Check conducts a three-day truck and bus enforcement across North America. In 2016, the special focus was on tires.  In 2017, the focus was on cargo securement. This year’s Road Check is scheduled for June 5-7 2018. The main focuswill be on hours-of-service compliance, says CVSA, due in part to the implementation of the U.S. DOT’s electronic logging device mandate. Carriers and drivers should be ready and educated on how to interact with inspectors. This should be a key focus in preparing for the 72 Hour Safety Check.Not taking this new mandate will cause Drivers and carriers be cited for a myriad of HOS violations.

As the ELD hours-of-service compliance full enforcement has begun on April 1,demands that drivers are fully prepared. What will the drivers need to know? What arethe cost of fines incorporated with these violations?

  1. ELD Unit: must Connect to the truck’s engine to record if the truck is in motion.
  2. ELD Unit:Allow the driver to log in and select On-duty, Off-duty, or On-Duty Not Driving.
  3. ELD Unit:Must automatically select Drive segments based on vehicle movement.
  4. ELD Unit:Must graphically display a Record of Duty Status, so a driver can quickly see hours in a day.
  5. ELD Unit:Must provide data in a format that’s standardized and can be transmitted to law enforcement in a number of prescribed ways, such as wireless web services, USB, or Bluetooth 2.0.
  6. ELD Unit:Must be a certified provider which meets the proper specifications.

Failure to require the driver to keep a log under section 395.8(a) had an average fine of $2,867 to top fine of a single violation reaching $13,680.HOS carrier finesThese violations may also cause a spike to the carriers CSA score which may raise insurance premiums and depending on the amount and severity of violations and the points associated with them it can cause a loss or inability to gain contracts, time loss due to being red flagged by DOT inspection sites etc..

  1. Drivers must be able to: Tell enforcement that there is an electronic user manual with thorough instructions for using the device on the device in the form of help screens
  2. Drivers must have: instructions for producing recent data and transferring it to an inspector (electronically, via email a print out)
  3. Drivers must have:Instruction for reporting malfunctions and record-keeping procedures during malfunctions.
  4. Drivers must have:At least eight days’ supply of blank forms for recording a driver’s hours of service in the event of a device failure.

It is just as important for drivers to be able to operate the ELD or AOBRD, and to be able to transfer data from their devices to an inspector. If they can’t, it’ll be treated as if they didn’t even have the proper equipment onboard.Under Title 49, section 521, anyone who does not keep a RODS will face a civil penalty that could range from $1,000 to $10,000 for each offense. These fine may prevent driver to obtain safety bonuses, get a job with a company due to poor PSP report.

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