Share The Road – May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month

Share The Road – May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month
National Ride to Work Day – June 17, 2019
Motorcycle crashes involving another motor vehicle continue to account for nearly half of all motorcyclist fatalities in the United States. Motorcyclists are inherently at more risk than motor vehicles because they lack many of the same safety features of automobiles. From a statistical perspective, motorcyclists are 27 times more likely to die in a crash than other motorists. NHTSA has a vested interest in addressing the types of motorist behaviors that pose a risk to motorcyclists. In years past, and enshrined in statutory language, these efforts have been bundled under the moniker of “Share The Road”
The Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act (FAST Act), Public Law 114-94, directed the Secretary (Department of Transportation, DOT) to develop and provide to the States model language for use in traffic safety education courses, driver’s manuals, and other driver’s training materials instructing the drivers of motor vehicles on the importance of sharing the roads safely with motorcyclists. Most states apply for and receive discretionary funding from the department to use to develop and implement programs aimed at motorists to increase awareness of behaviors that maximize motorcyclist safety.
The following guidance document offers a shift in approach to motorist awareness initiatives relating to motorcyclist safety. The approach offers much more data-driven and issue-specific countermeasures beyond what has been provided previously. The approach is also aligned with the issue areas for which NHTSA is developing supporting creative materials, again, for states to use in their own initiatives. Please check back to this site often as NHTSA will be populating this page with creative materials as they become available. Additionally, NHTSA welcomes your feedback on both the approach and the creative materials.”