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Capital Driver Leasing


Truck driver who rescued jailer honored by Carnegie   The Carnegie Hero Fund Commission is the latest organization to honor a truck driver who risked his life to save a law enforcement officer who was being attacked by a prisoner in his custody. blackburn 2 Clinton D. Blackburn Clinton D. Blackburn rescued Darrell L. Herndon from assault along the Bluegrass Parkway near…

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Esprit de Corps: Noun: a sense of unity and of common interests and responsibilities, as developed among a group of persons closely associated in a task, cause, enterprise, etc Independence: Adjective: Not subject to another’s authority or jurisdiction; autonomous; free: An independent businessman. Not influenced or controlled by others in matters of opinion, conduct, etc.;…

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Capital Driver Leasing is constantly facilitating initiative and safety programs.

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Capital Driver Leasing is in charge of all their human resource management services including payroll, taxes, Federal and State compliance and all insurances.

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Capital Driver Leasing supervises your truck drivers, while you maintain control of your hiring requirements, rules of conduct, trucks, dispatch, software and routes.

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Capital Driver Leasing manages and stays current with the DOT requirements.

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Capital Driver Leasing’s efficiencies in all areas of truck driver recruiting and management will reduce your costs.

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